Recently I have started working on a project on Android. This app involves uploading few images chosen by user to the server. App engine has a document page at, but unfortunately for Android developer it is not enough. This document mentions how to upload using web client i.e. using using form in a html page.
For uploading using java application we need a multipart message. We need following libs:
1. httpcore-4.3.2.jar
2. httpmime-4.3.3.jar
httpcore-4.3.2.jar and httpmime-4.3.3.jar can be found at jars are part of zip file containing other files. Extract the entire zip and copy these two required files in <android project>/libs.
In my first draft of this post the code for new file body was:
For uploading using java application we need a multipart message. We need following libs:
1. httpcore-4.3.2.jar
2. httpmime-4.3.3.jar
httpcore-4.3.2.jar and httpmime-4.3.3.jar can be found at jars are part of zip file containing other files. Extract the entire zip and copy these two required files in <android project>/libs.
public void uploadBlobImage( String path, String link ) { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(link); try { MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(); entity.addPart("type", new StringBody("photo")); File file = new File( path ); entity.addPart("data", new FileBody(file, ContentType.create( "image/jpg"),"Swapnil.jpg")); httppost.setEntity(entity); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost); Log.d( Utils.AppName, "Image uploaded: "+ response.toString( )); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d( Utils.AppName, "Image not uploaded: Exception:"+ e.toString( )); } }Note
In my first draft of this post the code for new file body was:
new FileBody(file, ContentType.create( "image/jpg")/*,"Swapnil.jpg" */)For some strange reason this did not work and upload used to fail. Please let me know if you know the reason.